Latest Episodes

Contract Law - Lecture 8: Parol Evidence Rule; Contract Modification
This podcast will discuss the parol evidence rule and contract modification. Derivative work from the following original:SALES AND LEASES: A Problem-based Approach by Scott...

Contract Law - Lecture 7: Disclaimer of Warranties; Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act; Third Party Beneficiaries under § 2-318
This podcast will discuss disclaimer of warranties, Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, and third-party beneficiaries under § 2-318. Derivative work from the following original:SALES AND LEASES:...

Contract Law - Lecture 6: Express Warranties and Warranties Given by Remote Sellers
This podcast will discuss express warranties and warranties given by remote sellers. Derivative work from the following original:SALES AND LEASES: A Problem-based Approach by...

Contract Law - Lecture 5: Warranties Implied by Law
This podcast will discuss warranties implied by law. Derivative work from the following original:SALES AND LEASES: A Problem-based Approach by Scott J. Burnham and...

Contract Law - Lecture 4: Statute of Frauds
This podcast will discuss the statute of frauds. Derivative work from the following original:SALES AND LEASES: A Problem-based Approach by Scott J. Burnham and...

Contract Law - Lecture 3: Battle of the Forms
This podcast will discuss battle of the forms. Derivative work from the following original:SALES AND LEASES: A Problem-based Approach by Scott J. Burnham and...